【同义词辨析】 2018-01-05 一致agree-jibe
agree: applies to any precise going, existing, or fitting together: the conclusion ~ with the evidence.
tally: agreement between two correct accounts that match NOT ONLY in overall conclusions BUT detail by detail: your story ~ with earlier accounts.
square: sug. precise or mathematically exact agreement: force facts to ~ with theory.
conform: fundamental likeness in form, nature, or essential quality: ~ to local customs.
accord: implies perfect fitness in relation or association (as in character, spirit, quality or tone): the speaker's remarks didn't ~ with the sentiments of his listeners.
comport: like accord, implies fitness of a relationship: acts that ~ with ideals.
harmonize: stress blending of dissimiliar things to form a congruous and pleasing whole: ~ conflicting colors through the use of blue.
correspond: stress the way in which dissimilar elements match, complement or answer to each other: fulfillment seldom ~ to anticipations.
jibe: st.equivalent to agree, s.t to accord and s.t to harmonize: his action deesn't ~ with his words
agree: 任何一致(going together),tally: 不仅整体而且细节, square: 精确或数字上,cconform: 基本上相似, accord: 关系联系上的一致(如品格身份), comport: 同accord, harmonize: 将东西混合得到满意美观整体,correspond: 事物之间匹配互补呼应,jibe: 可能和agree,accord,或harmonize相同。
记忆方法: 1)除了conform和correspond介词用to外,其余都用with。
2) 一致的意思是没有冲突或不协调mean to go or exist together without conflict or incongruity.
3) 这组词有9个,联想记忆难,建议用RR。